Search found 26 matches

what do I like? fishing mostly in rivers though as the fish fight harder and it takes more talent to put the hook where the fish are, also love car racing, did it for many years even had 2 world speed records in my class at the salt flats, did some car racing also in stock cars, drag racing, only th...
i thought when some ones account is disabled all the products they had go away. the only thing protected is if you had purchased it, it some times stays in you product list (if its already being used in your room) or if its not being used by you then imvu some times credits your account back, both h...
or other thing you can do is hope you remember your friends list, (the ones you talked to all the time) and then just create a new account, less stress with the whole thing,
oh yes and with the new account learn what you did wrong and don't do it again,
the vip even though it does cost, the amount you spend to become a vip will return with reward credits fast, as to doing the surveys, i do find i have been turned away a lot mid way through the survey, gets frustrating, but when i finally get through one the next few are usually approved so you shou...
I bought a dick on here, i immediately got a message of how to pay, i clicked that and then got the message it would be delivered in 48 hours, (with the exeptions for holidays) im not sure being i ordered Friday morning if it will be Tuesday or wed before i get it, every thing is a mystery for me as...
I met a wonderful lady on imvu, wasn't planning on it but we just sort of found out we were compatable, but I did know from other woman I talked to there that they are some times not who they claim to be, so when I found the lady that has become very special to me before I would get to deep I asked ...
I find I just take the item I want to buy and search by the name of the product, you would be surprised how many people copy each other and have different prices for the same exact thing, take your time and do a good search before you buy, ive seen things as much as half price of others selling the ...
imvu overall has been very good, they are usualy ontop of the people causing issues and they provide a way to report them for investigation, issue im having though is I don't like to pay with credit card on line as its to easy to get your card captured by the bad guys on line, so I try to buy the im...
ok im lost but wanting to learn, are we talking ap rooms in here? if so where in here are they? or are you talking about in imvu? in imvu its hit or miss if you find ga rooms that are ap in content, usualy the aproveal editors catch them and don't let them get published
please tell me what would be the purpose of having this software? why would we need to track a friends history? sounds like almost a stocker software, sorry its not for me but I guess I not into that kind of thing, but would love to know why it was created and who for?