Okieee, so here is the random question on muh mind
What would it be like to be an albino?
lmfao smoothe
Lmfaaoo omg, totally.. I think it would be totally effing awesome... you know? without the gravity.. it would be like... sex.... in thin air XD.... thats epic
Well... I think they do it because they want the kids to suffer.. i mean.. who really learns anything at 9 am? certainly not meh
this is an awesome fucking moviee
Okay, second question.
"Do you think it would be cool to... have s.e.x on the moon?"
Vanilla all the waaay !
Can I join?
Okey, so yesterday I was not on the computer and missed my question of the day.
So I have to think of two
Heres the first one.
"Why on earth, does school, have to start, so god damn early!?"
ex: gets up at 6 am -___-"[/u]
haha, niice guys
mine is "dead in ditches by hollywood undead"