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Don Von Alpha Dom Already wrote to you via Discord and this is what I've already figured out - it's a ZIP File but I ask myself if it's enough to create a ZIP File with the files needed by IMVU Creator and rename it to CHKN. All CHKN-Files should include - index.xml - imvu-internal.json - ...assets...

Well, officially you can't buy hidden products from Shop. You'd have to copy the product by yourself and reupload it.
A way of how to do it I won't give you, because I think it's not welcomed here.

@Don Von Alpha Dom

I know how to send HTTP Requests with NodeJS, thats not the problem. Can you give me examples of how you login to IMVU?
I don't know if a POST Request is enough but if so, can you tell me which parameters I have to use?

@Don Von Alpha Dom

So I still need to know how I can perform a login on IMVU´s Website. Do you have an idea? I use Electron and NodeJS to get a .exe file at the end.

Also, what if I try to get the derive chain of AP Products.. its still possible with Guest_ Account?
