Search found 3 matches

Thanks for the reply @Propaganda, but I'm not sure if you understand the issue. There is no avatar for this user at all. Their name shows up, but there is no avatar... It's like a phantom user? With my limited knowledge of mobile, I know you can have rooms with up to 100 participants, and only 10 av...
A friend of mine has a popular room that I help mod. Recently we've been getting people that are shown as being in the room, but don't have an avi present. They never talk and just lurk. It only happens rarely but tonight I booted one of these phantom visitors only for another one to come in straigh...
Don't even know if there are still any Flash devs still around... butttt... I've created a music player that streams MP3s from dropbox... which works flawless except for one issue. When you step off the dot the widget disappears. The code is still running, and music will continue to play. If you ste...