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Visit the Approved Methods section: or the Submit Methods section: for methods on earning credits or predits. Or, If you absolutely need credits, without doing anything at all, try the Watch...
So, I'm not sure how many of you cared about the SOPA & PIPA acts, but I know I did :oops: All of my free music, games, ect. down the drain :| SOPA isn't being passed anymore, but there's a new act called ACTA. In all actuallity, it isn't new; since around 2007 they've been planning it. Recently...
*Sighs* Im rarely on anymore.. Anytime that I do logg on, there's so much new stuff.. I Miss you guys! And I miss Imvu D:< I have access to the internet once a week, but when I do, the computer is sooo slow.. I can't run Imvu on it. Do any of you know of any old versions of imvu that don't take up a...