Search found 5 matches

Ubiytsa They don't purge it until I believe 2 years passed or something like that. I still have the messages up from when I sent items to that account from my spare, it just says inactive user. The username is also still claimed as taken. It's there, I just don't have access to it.-- Mon Mar 15, 20...
Ubiytsa I appreciate it. I've been informed that it was the misrating of the room that caused a ban, I believe the main issue was a tag I used that I did not realize was inappropriate but they won'tgo down to detail. I've mentioned taking legal action multiple times and it did get me more informati...
Ubiytsa The account was gifted to me with nothing spent on it and no real connection to someone else. As for the other "owner," it was someone that h4c|<7d into my account when I wasn't using it and had it for a year or two. Changed the name and spent a lot on it, but they forgot to chang...
My account was banned last year, admittedly from a guideline violation with a GA room I had created. The room was changed several times to fix the issue but I missed a tag that I didn't realize would be seen as a violation. I was told by a friend which is the only reason I can say I know why my acco...