Search found 14 matches

Welcome to the family! There are stuff to look around at the site, there's also the IMVU Black Market to get the goodies and stuff. So I hope you enjoy your day, and have a look around this site!
I mean, not everything is going to be perfect around IMVU you know? There always others want to have different types of tastes. Even if there trying to add a modern way (Cause I do like the modern way they going for honestly.) But there is potential surrounding this IMVU Studio, like Graphics ? (In ...
I'm not very picky at any sort of Games around on Steam honestly. Cause I've haven't brought many games very much. Just for a good story and any other stuff that neato. Well I played just some free to play games like Team Fortress 2 (Not very good at shooting but still getting at and improving.) And...
Uh. Hello there! Just found this site by seer coincidence, I just needing some of that... Well you know. Gotta purchase some of that stuff in to my character or my own room you know. But I think that's going to take some time to earn them for a while... But any way's, I'm a 3D photographer who likes...