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i do hav 2 accounts xTurtleDove wich is a rather old account and laggs alot when i use it so i created VampFairyMiki, wich i still dont be able to see to get on any help or ideas wud be apreshiated. i have tried calling imvu them selves but the guy i spoke to said theres nothing he can do about it, ...
hii i was wondering if anyone can help me i dont know exactly whats happened im asuming ive been h4c|<7d my account is still there so i no it hasnt been deleted yet my pass wont work and it wont send me a new one so i no my email has been changed, i was buying the vip for a month for 99cents and the...
My name is Trudy im 19 n.n i love music and hanging with my friends i can play the drums and i have good graphic design skills took my 3 years to get them though worth it in the end :] and one ever wants to chat im here and probly bored out my mind n.n x