Search found 69 matches

Kleixx yea i noticed that with alot of creators just creatin' or also promotin' their products. most have had accounts for many years so theyre probably tired of all the negative stuff from the social aspects like trolls and spam and prefer keepin' to themselves but still like makin' stuff for them...
Kleixx Do you consider IMVU more of a game or a social network? Why? i think its a game, social network and both dependin' on the user. it can also be viewed as either or both at different times for example, a teen can see it as a game then few years later see it as both then several years later se...
Davidjhon9933 theres at least 2 different ways to see someones outfit besides being in the same chat or room as them. you can use an online hidden outfit viewer like on findvu or look at their latest outfits on their homepage. if they dont have it on their page then heres the link - https://www.imv...

i think they want to and are tryin' to go in that direction but it would be bad for them so they better not. they should focus on makin' the classic client better instead of pushin' the beta/desktop version

paparidis if it doesn't come to your room, how can you see them from afar? they dont have to be in your room for you to know what theyre wearin' bc you just need their id. you can use the hidden outfit viewer on findvu or look at their latest outfits on their homepage. if they dont have it on their...
Fox123 to not have your username tracked on imvu i think you just dont sign in when on a homepage but if you meant in general then Don said it best Every single website / link you visit on the internet receives your location via your ip. That's how the network knows where to send your data to.


Herne wrote:
Don't mean to sound too paranoid, but lately I wanted to try Sandboxie and test things on my second imvu test-account

ive used imvulite with sandboxie before and didnt have any problems so go for it