Search found 15 matches

am i the only one that is realllllly hungery right now? No myself and I are starving over here >< when is that last time you and me ate? not really sure what does myself want to eat? food? lolz good idea lets alllll go. me myself I and you too get over here, so we can grab a bite lolz
more then half the people i have asked agree that 1 is the loneliest number.. I still saw it would have to be 0,,,, t has noooo one. I mean One can talk to it's self braid it,s hair,, play a game and soooo much more but 0 can"t even do that. *I agree with you on that You... Thanks me ^,^ As i w...
Wolfbainie wrote:
lolz its not to hard i have lost of practice! but your wishes are well placed thanks.

*Yes a lot of it you are so sad at times*

Shut it you!

* I am not you I am me you fool!
...Oh right sorry well annnny way stop being so mean >< you are giving me a head ach.

... sorry.
lolz its not to hard i have lost of practice! but your wishes are well placed thanks.
I have no clue as to why I is so mean to me... Not really recalling much from before I had no reason to so cruel to Myself... Its really hard to live with someone like I, so cold and distant though Myself does try to be kind sometimes there is only some much one can take and I tell you I drives myse...
well I have been here for awhile just watching from the side lines is all don't worry about me... For I'll still be here when you are done talking to Myself. and insulting You. no worries no no none at all. ^.^ hehehe
inside my mind I see the stars, the end trails of wishes smashed on the asphalt and never to be seen by the masses... but then I figure that's a good thing. No on ever understands others truly anyway so I see it pointless to share one's dreams. "well I think your daft to think that... the poin...
inside my mind I see the stars, the end trails of wishes smashed on the asphalt and never to be seen by the masses... but then I figure that's a good thing. No on ever understands others truly anyway so I see it pointless to share one's dreams. "well I think your daft to think that... the poin...
inside my mind I see the stars, the end trails of wishes smashed on the asphalt and never to be seen by the masses... but then I figure that's a good thing. No on ever understands others truly anyway so I see it pointless to share one's dreams. "well I think your daft to think that... the point...
OK so it has just hit 11:36 and I being and insomniac don't sleep that much but I find myself drifting so I'll be damned if I don't take this opertunatie to sleep lol! I am out folks until I come to play with the voices in my head once more or come knocking on your door looking for a tasty treat of ...