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Me (Male) do not find masculinity all that attractive besides for the dominance. I do however think buff guys can be attractive and even allow myself the thought of being in a gay relationship with a controlling buff guy just because they're hot but actually ever doing it is probably never going to ...
Do you really like get into your ERP outside of the erp session like touch yourself, masturbate, etc.? I've always wondered with the person I'm with was really that into it or were they just saying things at the time and didn't really get into it that much. I'm wondering if people personally really ...
Everytime I try to post a picture on imvu and there's a product of AP (either from myself or another), I'm not allowed to post it. This is just an idea but, why not give people with AP privileges to see AP post only? I get why they don't allow post to go through with AP items so people without AP ca...
I personally don't use AP for clothing since most of the products in AP are ass besides maybe some poses. I only really use AP to get into rooms and areas of restriction without AP but should I utilize my AP powers more? I try but I don't really see how AP could be better than GA use in the clothing...
Are people more inclined to be on discord calls or such while on imvu or do you prefer to be talking/meeting new people in game chat? Personally I like meeting new people through game chat but the more I room hop the more I notice everyone's got their friend circle and know almost every person in th...
I've personally started playing due to an ex who got me on multiple social media platforms. So when I started I started in 2017 but people actually played back in 2010 and such and I was even surprised to see people to be around that long. Do you think imvu still holds up nowadays for all the update...
Hello, I play on the mobile client of IMVU and came on here hoping to get a free trigger. I am posting this to hopefully get familiar with the community whilst I work on my medits needed for the trigger. Please dm me if you have any tips or reply to how to get medits better and faster for optimal cr...