Search found 10 matches

Hantarione wrote:
I want Skittles too ... never eated one..

D: I cannot believe you never ate one before!
x3vi0l3nt_kissx3 wrote:
Stephanie! Hello there :D

Welcome to Imvu Mafia!

I wish you good luck with your graphic/media/web designer plans, and when you become famous, Don't forget the Mafia? :3

Thank you very much!
&& Heck no! I'll never forget the Mafia!
:3 for it will soon feel like family to me.
My name is Stephanie I'm 16 and I like to do graphic design & anything that has to do with HTML/CSS, colors, numbers, letters ect. :D I also like to talk, text, & surf the web <- hahaha x3 AT&T commercial status. I'm thinking to be a graphic, media, & web designer when I grow up. :) ...
BumShakaLaka wrote:
Haha... yeah

Still remember how i lost all my pokemons playing with guys from big grades.. :(

They had like three hundred and i had like....only three. :razz: rofl rofl

Hahaha! The same thing happened to me when I was younger!
;-; thank God I'm not the only one..
BlueTears wrote:
just wanna kill them

Aw! :3 Don't say that!
Maybe you were once a noob too!
>.> at some point..of your life