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1) find the number of the product you want in the list below 2) take off all your clothes, or just the items you are replacing 3) Type "*use numberhere" Example: If I want to wear black glove, I type "*use 178" i started going through the list backwards. if you get bored you sho...
what would be the reason for not having an "outbox" i feel it so annoying about because its too hard to remember what u send to whom...... They do, it is hidden on their forums. Here:
um ookay. I Have Offically Blessed You And Your Topic Be Greatful Click this Link for badges http://[FixThisLink]/alot-of-badges-for-free-vt3710.html i think this free badges boosted me thanks u a lot, i hope this "IMVU Mafias Forum" is just more than a help i don't know how to thanks i d...
Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 4:55 pm Post subject: How to introduce yourself What's important for your introduction? 1. Tell us some informations about your personality, like your name, what do you like to do etc. (If you'd like to) 2. Do you have any skills? Like Coding, Graphic Design etc. Please men...