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I've a fair few songs but the main one I put on repeat is Malice by Bad Omens, They're my favorite band and that was the first song I heard from the m and It has remained my favorite song for many years

Cookies and cream or Choc mint, Chocolate and Vanilla is overrated in my opinion and I guess in others so would Cookies and cream and Choc mint but I've always preferred those flavors over the others for some reason

Not one is better then the other, Really about preference, I personally am on Xbox and PC but it I reckon the console war is ridiculous, Gamers are gamers no matter what platform.
itachima 1} Yes 2} Yes but I'm already with her 3} Little bit 4} No and never will 5} Not sure really, Don't know a time in which I would go back, Wouldn't change anything though, Don't wanna mess with the timelines 6} If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be? 6} None ...