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Super Smash Bros holds a special place in my heart as my all-time favorite game for several reasons. Firstly, its unique blend of characters from various Nintendo franchises introduced me to beloved gaming icons like Mario, Link, and Pikachu, igniting my passion for gaming and fostering a sense of n...
. When it comes to choosing between McDonald's and Burger King, I have to admit that McDonald's has always been my personal choice. However, it's essential to acknowledge that my preference is based on my experience with McDonald's, as I've never had the opportunity to visit Burger King. For me, McD...
My preference for American fried chicken over Korean fried chicken stems from its familiar taste and texture. Growing up with American-style fried chicken, I developed a nostalgic attachment to its crispy coating and juicy meat. The flavors of herbs and spices used in American recipes resonate deepl...
Choosing to embrace baldness is a personal decision, and for me, it's about confidence, simplicity, and authenticity. Being bald allows me to embrace my natural appearance without worrying about hiding or maintaining hair. It's a statement of self-assurance and acceptance, showing that I'm comfortab...
I prefer playing Roblox over Minecraft for several reasons. Firstly, Roblox offers a diverse range of games created by developers worldwide, providing endless variety and fresh experiences. The platform's user-generated content fosters creativity and innovation, allowing players to explore a multitu...
ChatGPT 3.5 User Brainstorm 5 episode ideas for my new podcast on urban design. ChatGPT "The Evolution of Urban Spaces": Explore how cities have transformed over time, examining historical developments, key architectural movements, and their impact on urban design today. "Sustainable ...
Really depends tbh such as the flickering neon sign on the corner of 5th Avenue casts a mesmerizing glow, drawing passersby into the bustling streets below. Among them, a stray cat weaves through the legs of hurried commuters, its fur illuminated by the city lights. A saxophonist plays soulful melod...
In the heart of an old city, whispers of ghostly tales echoed through narrow streets. Curiosity led me to explore an abandoned mansion, its crumbling façade concealing secrets of the past. As twilight fell, an eerie chill enveloped me, and shadows danced in the moonlight. Suddenly, footsteps echoed ...
At home, shorts because its hot here in where i lived in, more comfortable to sleep in it, i would sleep naked but shorts is enough. Whenever im going on my day and outside somewhere, id start wearing pants on especially jeans.
Busy, boring, tiring, nothing interesting and same thing everyday i go through. Not bad not good either, more neutral i would say, wish it couldve been better but then i cant ask for too much