Search found 5 matches

YEsh :D it didnt go that well x3..

have u EVer had sex in public? like ina park behind a tree while in the other side a kid is eating some icecream? xDDd
which pet would u like to have at home? i mean if they could be domesticated...Any animal x3 ummmmmm i would LOVE to have a tiger <3 they r so fun to play with <3 doesnt matter if ish legal or not x3 (and besides i wouldnt worry about thiefs anymore :D) SO which one would u like to havE around? :D
Welll juts wondering..n_n im always looking for good co-op games :D

well lets see my favorite would be...ummmmmm


:D hells Yeah! the blood the massacre the pain! the fights! is so fun to play with someone too <3

so guys which is ur favorite co-op game?
HEy guyS my name ish derek n_n my friend told me about the mafia forum so i was like OMG yay! finally x3 looking for credits and new products that Imvu doesnt allow to have >.> hate them!... Welll about mee im a rlly creative guy..i like to do animated videos (hope that helps a little) n_n ummmm oh ...