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Eliminate or limit contact with toxic people. Toxicity has a way of rubbing off with continued contact. Life is too short. Surround yourself with kind, thoughtful, generous individuals and mirror those traits instead. You will find yourself happier.
Ryze and Orkut were probably my first. Felt very weird and publicly “exposed” putting anything there. I couldn't see why I'd want to “announce” anything to a group, rather than tell the one specific person it was meant for. Didn't seem much more than bulletin boards that had gone digital. And I neve...
Besides vu, Toribash, Minecraft and A webbing journey. I really like the toribash freedom so I guess I like open world games. In toribash you control each individual muscle in your characters body. It has a sense of fun and difficulty I love. A webbing young is a game about a spider collecting flowe...
Amsterdam offers a vibrant mix of art, history, and culture. Top attractions include the Rijksmuseum, with its vast collection of Dutch art, and canal cruises that showcase the city's scenic beauty. The Anne Frank House provides a moving historical experience, while the Van Gogh Museum immerses visi...
The building I work in is very old. When I’m alone at the office I feel like I’m being watched but not in a bad way - like something curious is there. It’s weird things only seem to happen in the bathrooms on our floor. Many times I will be in a stall and see the shadows of feet walk by. I try to hu...
f there were such a time machine that can take me back to any time and place but can also be used once where and when I would go to is back to the early twentieth century when the whole north american country and continet consisting of USA canada and mexico were all and was covered by railroads that...
Listen to my favorite album and remember my family and hug them all. Since the album is 55 minutes long, I’ll spend the last 5 minutes telling a crush I had I love her and embrace. No that’s foolish. I’ll listen to my favorite album and remember my family and hug them all. I would also drum to each ...
Depending on the cause of the world ending, l'd only then be able to answer. Though, if I were to pick the MOST likely reason the world would end, l'd say a meteor would hit. If that were the case, then, me and my family would pack as many lost lasting resources as possible, take our cats, and go to...