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i read a ton of novels.since im more of a horror genre freak my favorite author is stephen book ever IT for the adventure/fantasy fans try LORD OF THE RINGS by Tolkien-- Sat Feb 22, 2025 8:28 am --another novel tha is A MUST i just finished it and im obsessed : When Nietzsche Wept is a 199...
Dear sir/madame I am a registered IMVU user and currently residing in greece.I would like to purchase credits through your site but i would like to pay with safepay card since i do not hold a credit card or paypal account.Kindly advice if you accept this form of payment Thank you in adnace for your ...
Dear All I am part of the Imvu community for 2 years now.My goal is to get to know mainly people from my country Greece and create a big friend cycle.Unfortunatelly the Greek community is not so tight as it used to be.I love playing music and entertain my virtual friends.I have lots of triggers,list...
Sooooooo I've been in imvu for 2 years now.I am Greek but the Greek community is declining rapidly and i don't know why.I've tried second life and avakin as alternatives but the first is far too difficult and the second is for 20yr olds.Truly there was no other alternative whixh really surprised me....
I have had some relationships in the game but the main reason i stay in the game is my best best friend she has become like a family to me and is the only person i seek real communication as well.Boyfriends come and go .My best friend has been close to me for 1.5 year through goiod times and bad one...
@Auspicious K

thank you yes that helped a lot.and i accept the apology.i really wasm't trying to span or anything just trying to figure out the whole ordeal.Im quite new to IMVU and i have quite gaps that's all.I am sorry if i was harsh in my reply.Thank you again for your help
itachi555 i agree that ap+ does not worth it.Regarding the AI copy paste however i included it as the announcement i received for the program an in order to make my point more clear.I never paste irrelevant things to my cases and certainly not for medits (thats just hillarious).I can beleive that s...
Dear Sir/Madame Im greek resident and supposedly IMVU had announced to add Greece at AP+ program since January However it i still not availbale to the upgrade section in order to purchase it.Someone told me that the only way to get the upgarde is for someone else who is already ap+ member to send me...