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Hey everybody! ^.^ I know this is an SL tutorial, not IMVU.. but the methods for creating creases and shadows are exactly the same on IMVU UV maps as well.. i found it very helpful when I was learning creasing. There isn't any voice instruction in it but I think the tools can be understood very easi...
use any image editing program you are good at for creating textures. I use adobe photoshop only, many people use GIMP and even flash too. For developing 3D meshes... IMVU supports 3DS Max, Blender and Sketchup... I heard that people use Autodesk Maya too but there is no official imvu plugin for it a...
only more than 450 sale doesn't work... it got to have like 80-100 sales daily... right after submitting the product... one of my products had gone up to page 3 within a couple of days of submitting it... it was selling like 80+ per day. Product position in catalog doesn't get affected by the number...
ok...its getting on my nerves now.. she's always stuck to my catalog and copies simply all of my new products within hours of my submission... puts similar name, similar colours.... ALL MY NEW IDEAS ARE GETTING COPIED AS SOON AS THEY COME OUT!!!! :cursemouth:
I don't make my own meshes and my products are not derivable.
I dont mind people even using the mesh i got made on special request. The thing i mind is taht they create the same thing i create, just different colour. That annoys me
Someone is litterally copying everything that i come up with... the names of products and all... with just little change in texture. Killing my bussiness and it's so annoying... I submit one thing and withing 24 hours, that woman comes up with similar product with same name!.. So the question is.. &...