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D.M wrote:
Приветствую, отличный код. Надеюсь несколько кликов в нужных (и интересных) местах страницы послужат небольшой благодарностью. .Ответить

"Greetings, great code. Hopefully a few clicks to relevant (and interesting) places page serve small gratitude. . Reply"
I can see that train of thought. I still play them because I enjoy them. For awhile I had stopped gaming, but it's come back around in my life. Its why when an anticipated game comes out I play it as much as possible as fast as possible (I binge played AC4. All 40 something hours and then I worked a...
D.M wrote:
Nah...forget that. No reason to stop drinking soda. Smoking and drinking, sure but not soda. Not my precious....precious soda...brb getting a drink

Lol. It would cut back on dentist visits. Thats for sure. At least for me.
Beyond Two Souls was more like an interactive film. I enjoyed that aspect of it AC4 really is the best out of the series. I played the first one and liked it and I've heard good and bad things about 3. The gripe I have about 4 was the ending suddenly happened and you didn't expect it. I mean, you ca...
Well congratulations on quitting! Personally, I never found it hard to quit..BUT...I only smoked for a week so maybe I didn't get addicted to it. I just stopped one day cause I didn't want to do it anymore, lol. Now soda on the other hand.....I can't go 1 day without drinking 1....or 12... Yea, sod...
I'm sure everyone has heard or seen the new wave alternative to smoking. The e-cig. I tried the disposeable kits for awhile and nothing seemed to help so I had all but gave up hope. Someone suggested I take the plunge and spend the money on a full kit from well known companies. So far I've been 3 mo...
1. The Last Of Us Oh let me count all the ways in which I love this game. Just play it if you have a PS3. Seriously. OQpdSVF_k_w 2. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag I have a gripe or two, but overall the most polished AC. gQxUR_FKT4c 3. Dishonored Tons of fun sneaking around. E1HlYTukh9A 4. Thief More...
Hey guys! I figured it was time to post something new. Seeing as how the Soft Light layer shading took off in a big way with the IMVU community, I decided I should show how to take it a step further! I attempted to record video of this process but Camstudio was an epic fail. Screenshots it is! Here...
C-Digg wrote:
No offense, but never let the computer stuff to the girls, I mean, SERIOUSLY.

She plundered this shit from a specific website that I can't remember.

. . .

She just changed the colours, and the advertisement stuff, like I did, LOL!

Well, I take offense to that comment. xD