Search found 12 matches

I whole heartedly agree, Customers show be refunded for all the Trigger songs that was taken from them ( well not taken but limited to 20 seconds it's like McDonalds selling you a fish sandwich and only giving you only half a sandwich), It's also so wrong of them to keep the products in the catalog ...
I was hoping to be coming back here today to see a lot more posts concerning this topic from fellow mafia members. does the mafia have any 3D chat rooms setup in the game for meeting other mafia members to try to spread the word faster. And is there weekly or monthly Mafia meetings in live 3d chat t...
I think that's a great Idea, The no show up for 3 days is great, but Maybe a month without buying any virtual product will hurt a lot more, must everyone has enough cloth's and pose's, also don't buy any credits or do any promo stuff for imvu gets cash money from sponsors how pay them to promote the...
ROTFLOL, I don't, think He did read it whole post. Maybe you should give him a couple whacks of your hammer on this head, for not reading the complete post. I did smile a lot reading through all of them.
Thank you for making me laugh

Ps I hope I don't get attacked by the grammar nazi Lol
Yes there is some good sex poses out there, 1 if you get Ap there is some good poses there in the shop. 2 you can get black market contract if you complete the requirment to be a vip you will have access to contacts to devs who sell poses. 3 you can get creative and design your own poses by combinin...
I seen some people have portals going into other rooms, I would like to link my rooms that way, but I don't know where to start, is there a item I need to buy and will it link private rooms to or just public rooms. any help on this topic would be great. Thank you so much.

The Mafia forever
I have some badges on my account but when I go to my account page to move badges to my profile no badges are seen, Anybody know where they could be hidden, I have the box not checked that says hide badges, I just don,t see them there to drag into the badge displayed area, plz pm me if you have a sol...