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My favorite game is... Xenogears. It's a PS1 game, rather old. But what makes it stand out above all the others. Is the story. The graphics were great for a PS1 series, the music was just as good if not better. The movie animation did have a lag to it, but it was still a game that stood out above al...
Hello, my name is John. A simple name, a name that disappears. I don't really know how to describe my personality but I guess I can say... I'm weird? I like weird things, and weird foods. I laugh at stupid things and make very bad jokes. I love to play games, and I love even more to read. I find wri...
I found the story in Mafia 2 to be rather interesting. I especially loved a mission that well... If you haven't played the mission I won't spoil it, but suffice it to say. If you played the first Mafia game, you'll recognize one of the characters. I also found enjoyment in the ending as well, it was...