Search found 12 matches

Ayeeee, je m'appelle Alice Rose - Rosie. I'm 15 from Australia; I like taking pictures and buying shoes. I eat cheese way too much. Like wayyy too much. My dog is amazing; he's my best friend. He's about a metre high and can stand up on his hind legs and put his paws on my shoulders if he wants to. ...
About ten years late, I recently watched my first episode of SP - and LOVEDDD it! I was never interested in it for some reason, it was the sort of thing my friends little brothers watch, and didn't seem like my kind of thing. I thought it was just offensive, violent and immature. As it happens, that...
I'm not really into action so I didn't expect to like it, but I totally loved it! James Cameron is great - I came out of the theatre wanting to live on Pandora.
I really liked it - I loveeee the book, so I was just stoked to see it portrayed in film. I love the Dad, he's amazing. I don't like the mother so much, but Rachel Weisz was great. I didn't think the movie was as good as the book, but I still really liked the movie. And I'm happy about what happened...
AAAAAAAH PEOPLE WHO LOVE TWILIGHT ! It seems like lately nobody likes the Twilight Saga, but I don't think I'll ever stop loving it. But when Eclipse comes out I'm going to go to a very late night showing, because when I saw New Moon there was this weird screaming sound whenever Jake took off his sh...
Awesome! I love the seeexxxyy black&white Mafia sign which is at the bottom of the page. Seems like a great group (;
Yeah I don't think of it as a game. To quote Dwight Schrute, It is a multi-user virtual environment. It doesn't have points or scores; it doesn't have winners or losers.
Except of course the Mafia and its devotees. We're winners.

Whatever you classify it as, it kicks ass.[/i]
Personally I think my bookshelf booty is both practical AND hot. When I just don't have enough hands, I can rest something on its great mass. It also means that people will always notice me in photos; my ass just obstructs everyone else from view.