Search found 9 matches

I can only have 250 words and phrasing it any other way displeased me. I had to add the description of Jackson so then the fear could be recognized and illustrated when he 'saves' the character. The fear isn't coming from the car crash, that is just what dooms you, the fear is from the foreshadowing...
Damn dagal.... ur smart >.< thats the second one you figured out. i have a bunch of other riddles a few of them kinda hard... you want me to post another, or you wanna take your turn and post one?
In marble walls as white as milk,
lined with skin as soft as silk.
Within a fountain crystal clear,
a golden apple does appear.
No doors are there to this stronghold,
yet theives break in and steal the gold.

Fail you might,
for many have tried,
Answer my riddle,
What hath I described?
Don, I have somethin for you. Look I'm becoming a developer on IMVU, will I still be able to see these even though I put them there and I'm a developer?

h4c|< my creations and ill kill you. :evil: :twisted: I will do bad things to you if you h4c|< my things.