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Corp wrote:Ive always done 20 products to make sure my account or anyone i told this method account didn't get banned. I'm just making sure everyone is taking safe measures. -- Tue Jan 31, 2017 10:58 pm -- GREY wrote: u mean we need to derive from our own products that passed first? Yes derive from...
cant you just install the 2nd client in a diff area like my documents instead of %appdata% or is there any downside to doing that?
if you havent looked in the market yet im selling a account with ap and name token. the credits is like 15k atm i think it has bunch of. vip till next year but you wont need it since its a grandfathered account. it already has bm products from rooms to poses and im throwing in a account i use to mak...
Im sure its possible but being its a VIP option your account would flag there system and risk getting banned. If you remember when everyone was using the whisper addon without the need of VIP, everyone who used it got a auto warning msg from IMVU.