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Does anyone know which version of imvu is the version when pets were first introduced? the ones you feed and recieve credits from. i was wondering if it would be possible to install it and get a new pet. No, but I will look into hacking you a new pet. I never thought of that. I LOLLED REALLY HARD A...
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var vName=''; var olStatus=0; document.write('<div><a href=""><img alt="group image for The IMVU Mafias" src=""></a>'); document.write('...
Hi. I use gimp 2 weeks of see how many is a good program but I do not know I use I can help someone with more information? thanks. If you're trying to learn how to make avi pictures using GIMP, you'll find several videos on Youtube such as this one, for example: