Search found 32 matches

There is a person, and this person loves to start trouble. They messed up to many times, it got sloppy to many people payed the price. I want to send a clear message to this person. This wont go unotice. Now I want to make sure this person gets this message very clearly. I don't want this person gon...
So I got this friend who being stalked, serious douche bag he is. Anyhow this has nothing to do with my other post. This douchbag has about 30 alt accounts and he always finding my friend even when she has name changes etc. He just wont leave her alone and reporting him wont do much since he has lik...
problem i cant get in contact with her, new phone number she didn't give me before she got h4c|<7d. ether way no worry this is slowing down. I think it has unofficially come to the end.

But knowing my friend, she would buy a new laptop >.>
her page got booby trap with a ip logger. to finish it off a trojan made it so she cant even boot up in to safe mode. But to describe it, It shuts down your internet connection, It takes out your firewalls, anti virus protection and any other type of protection. Safe mode is gone as trying to get in...