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Hmmm how to put my personality into words......

Observant, pervy, protective of those close to me, not afraid to speak my mind, can be a smart ass most of the time, tend to look at things in all ways, someone not to tick off..... just to throw a lil out there.
Oh I know the feeling all too well, DM. Some people can just be so petty over the smallest of things. Wish they would take the blinders off and look at the whole world first, but yeah that would be like asking the rain to stop raining. Not gonna happen. Glad I'm not like that, or I could have gotten...
A man goes to the doctor suffering from premature ejaculation. "Can you do anything to help me, Doc?" said the man. "No, but I can give you the address of a woman who has a short attention span" replied the doctor. I was in math class and my teacher asked "what comes after 6...
I want to thank you for opening my eyes to that real true love exists. I want to make you smile when you are frowning. I want to make you laugh when you are crying. I want to hold your hand and draw little hearts on your palm. I want to get lost in your eyes. I want to be the one that is by your sid...