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@SirDarkHartThey are still up. It is called IMVU-E. Don Von Alpha Dom oooo well cool.. but i have not been able to as of yet to understand how they could see in a room without being in there.. from what i was told ... dont know from 1st hand knowledge so i may have it wrong but i was told that they...
@SirDarkHartFrom what I've seen, IMVU inc normally only holds out and stalls for time on a large class action lawsuits. If you go in alone and go in small ... they settle out of court by giving you the account back pretty fast, so they don't have to spend any money fighting you off. Otherwise, stal...
they will always fall back on the TOS.. you must have all your ducks in a row and have a really good lawyer because they will pull out all the stops on a lawsuit. Now what RXA mentioned about it may be cheaper to just let it go may be the best option. I know i have been on imvu since 2011 or so.. it...
there used to be a site that you could go to that had it where u could see who was in a room i believe the name of it was or something like that ... they had all kinds of tricks for users... but i dont know if they are even still up.
Hello, go to your account page on the imvu website (not the client), then scroll down to i believe the second block of settings, it will have disable AP music filter below that it will say, make yourself unsearchable, then below that it will have make yourself invisible. click on make invisible 1st...
Hello, if you want to get a disabled account active again, first you have to actually call (which is actually fastest way) IMVU customer service, even tho it will mention support press # .. or billing press #.. well, just a heads up.. they only answer the billing line lol. Anyways, you call imvu, t...
Hi, I think it would be cool if u could extract the room chat log even you have already left the room.. Meaning from the time u enter the room until the time you poof out, the ability for the T3DE users to grab a forgotten log etc. I know that there was a program at one time on imvu mafias called l...
HI, that happened to my ex... the reason for the ban.. our roomie at the time decided he was going to cancel the vip for the account of my ex's.. now while she had nothing to do with it.. when he canceled the automatic payment somehow the charge was reversed and therefore, they perm ban her acct to...
Hi, Just a few days or maybe a week ago i was chatting with a friend of mine and they mentioned that IMVU mentioned that they are going to begin paying again with promos but instead of just 750 they are uping it to 1000 per day, if i'm not mistaken. I mentioned that i had heard that imvu wsnt payin...