Search found 10 matches

If we ever wanted a script to keep track of multiple HP's we could use the referer and user agent to track page data. What exactly do you want to do? Track user movements between pages that have out future tracker installed? Referer data might not be transmitted corretly, btw, as we're using an ifr...
It's been about a week since I last used any of this code but I found that when you supply a viewer cid to the parameters, it bypasses the need for logging in. My, the security guys at IMVU sure know how it's done ;) Have you checked if supplying the cid of an AP enabled member is enough to access ...
I think I'll work on this one. The trick should be to first submit a login form with AP enabled login data. As a response, the script should receive a cookie from IMVU. When crawling pages, the script can then send the cookie together with the request (manually, a PHP script won't do it automaticall...
Is getting emailed every time someone visits the page ok for everyone? I could create a variant that saves hits and displays a list of all visitors. And maybe send an email digest once a day (or however often you like). Anyone interested? To make it work best, you'd need a webhost with a database, t...
Hey D.M., I already browsed those boards, but didn't find any open questions or running projects. Is there perhaps anything someone else who is code savvy has been thinking of doing, but never got around to? Or a missing feature that would be of general interest which I'm not aware of, since I'm sti...
That would make sense :) I'm not really planning to delve into graphics and 3d, it's just not my cup of tea and I'm always happy that I can specialize in other stuff at work ;) Is there any section in the boards with coding or linux questions that I could work on? I'm so new to the game that I don't...
But it only works if you have access to the box the password is stored on, because the user has to put the code into the url bar while the filled password input field is visible. If you're at someone else's comp and for some reason feel the need to read their pw, it's propably easier to either look ...
Heya all, I'm not really new to IMVU, but I've only recently gotten more involved with it. I havn't delved into IMVU coding, but I work in web development, so I know my way around PHP, HTML and JS. If you think I can help out with anything, feel free to ask. I also have lots of Linux experience, so ...