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So, who else on IMVU Mafias plays Perfect World? I just love the game, especially the new classes that came out. Even though I suck at the game, I just love the look of it, and how it makes me feel like I'm right there in China, surrounded by its old myths and ancient stories.
Well... I just got one of the only pre-paid cards availible for IMVU, and it came with... lets just say quite a lot (don't want a lot of PMs asking for stuff -.-") and I have no idea what to do with them. Well, of course I want to buy stuff, but I just don't know what. >_<"
My name is Allison. I like drawing, music, and anime. I came here because I need creds (my wishlist is full of stuff I want XD). I play the piano, trumpet and guitar. Uh, uh, uh. I have constant blonde moments... Thats about it o-o"... Bye.