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You guys are right, of course, in what you say, but this smacks a bit of blaming the victim kind of thing - you shouldn't have worn what you wore etc.... The guy has no right to exploit my behavior, no matter how bad it may have been. That being said....for me this has gone beyond this incident and ...
Thank you so much, wes. The help is greatly appreciated.

-- Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:35 pm --

I have been afraid to unfriend or block this guy as I don't know what he would do under those circumstances. What do you recommend?
This topic is of interest to me - something like this may be how my blackmailer got my private room chats. He was able to access my private room and my friend's private room. How is that possible and is there a way to protect yourself once you are in your supposedly private room?
I am dealing with a bully who is blackmailing me with some chats he got via observer.imvu. He is threatening to expose an indiscretion of mine to my boyfriend in imvu unless I have cybersex with him, the bully. I consulted with the vip chat representative in imvu, and while he was nice he was not ov...