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we talked about it dosent show all the rooms someone is in at that moment due the servers etc stuff, the what DM said above is good and alot of times i need to x out of program to start new search othervise it wont work
ahh the lovely IP address thing, yes there is way to see ppl in the room and their IP's, but this contains great deal of work, basically, you need to get your way into IMVU servers, find the CID, that way u can see everything you want to, whispers, ip's multiple rooms, everything what IMVU sees, ver...
for me in instance, i need provided proof, screenshots, recordings and all hard evidence before i belive anything, behind every corner has bullshit and some peple are too blind to see and belives everything so quick
i wouldnt click the links incase of IP logger or keylogger, easy way to get in, and the free credits deal is kinda fraud. i keep getting fucked over By fraudulents credits ppl spent on shop, yea Don i remember that and that is still going on, alot of creators just drop off map few months back and st...