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Hello and welcome, you've made this post 4 days ago so I'm sure you are exploring around already lol. I hope you enjoy it here!
Not only that but imvu is severely hush hush about it. There are alot of speculations, but no one really knows which is correct, and unfortunately testing all the theories, will take months. I sometimes do only a certain number of things for each objective area each month that I think might be corre...
Awww I'm so glad you love it here. Please also explore more, and drop us a line if you need anything. I can honestly say that when I was a new person to the site, I was enamored with it too. Theres so much to take in and so much to learn, that you can spend an entire day here and still not see every...
That is a wide open question, you could be asking about many different things on the site, but this site is fully legit. Also welcome!
Yes its possible, I do this often for my own old products.
You will need the Mass Product Recoverer (MPR)

It is an amazing tool to have if you have been creating long.
I'm a stones throw away from a tourist beach/boardwalk. So I get to interact with tons of different people, from all over the world. I'm a city person, and I love the city, but this also offers quiet without being too quiet. We own a monster truck, and its fun to take it out to go off roading, which...
Welcome to the family! Glad you found us, be sure to look around, post to earn medits, and maybe join a contest or two, or three or all :dancingbunny: