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ok..cause I know when I just put the cock on without the other stuff that (creator) im invisible and when I did it last time and the peer review didn't pass I was using the hard icon pic that I found from here so I didn't know if that was a red flag and if I used a different pic that it wouldn't be ...
So a little bit ago I bought a trigger from here..followed the instructions and I believe I had to put one of the files in a imvu folder on my pc then publish the rest (been a bit) I never had a issue with my triggered cok..when I reformatted later on I lost it but not the stuff I clicked published ...
honestly Don Von Alpha Dom I toke a break because of work and just wanted to get away from the bs that sometimes comes from imvu so after a bit and new job I came back and really have enjoyed it more then what I did..i even got put in imvu jail for 2 weeks because of putting stuff on that they don't...
This is probably the wrong place for this but..when to log on imvu after work and got a message saying my account has been disabled for 14 more days..has anyone ever seen this? I'm locked out of the email I used soo I can look at what they sent me..any clues?