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someone stole a lot of my products from my disable account shop and when I DMCA him my products was removed from his shop. now I realize my products are back in his shop when I tried to DMCA him again for the same products I got this response: A DMCA takedown request has been received and processed ...
No it doesn't. If you and someone is married and one of you got disabled, only that person will be disabled. You and your partner is only connected for the marriage package only. If you get disable only you will be disable. If your partner get disable only he/she will get disable. Since you seem new...
It's boring most of the time. There's nothing new to do on it, well I guess because its a chat client not much to do anyways than just meet new people and talk. Or create products and making DPs for money. But IMVU will never die, they make enough income. If IMVU wasn't so simple I believe more peop...