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I find deriving from your own mesh or one you have derived off of before seems to go through Peer Review faster.

-- Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:30 pm --

Also imvu Peer Review seems happy when you push" hair up it's ass
None of this helps, thanx anyways, I want a link or program I can use :kat_emoji1: #1 I did follow those links Ms_V thank you, and I have met some that are most likely doupe accounts for x-boyfriends / stalkers and have them blocked as I recognized there typing style, but for certain others I'd like...
Esbeth, Thank you for all that I will read and do all I can as alwayz , and no I do not have the image any more. I did not plan on using it again so deleted it unfortunately. If I kept every thing I did my computer would be over loaded lol. I do wish I had kept it though, now. :katheart7:
Thank you again Esbeth, I do have VIP Yes. I have inquired many times over the phone and over imvu chat help, I get nothing but will continue to try. They tell me since the item is gone they can not know. It is BS. As careful as I was I am scared to create again, and that is sad because I love it.