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Thank you very much for that, that makes a lot more sense to me then before. Cause I kept seeing that, and felt like I was stupid and was forgetting to do something. So thank you for helping me for a moment with my own ignorance.
I guess I will have to give it a try and mess around with it more. I won't lie. I have tried logging in and out. Even keeping myself on dnd. But it did not seem to work. I don't know if it just glitchy and works at times or not. Who knows. Thanks for telling my about that Don.

@Don Von Alpha Dom
So I don't know if I am just ignorant or not. But is there anything else I have to do then just set it on DND or do I have to wait a certain time after loginning in for it to take effect? I use to be able to appear offline and such but forget how I did it. But now when I do set it on dnd. I still ap...