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She is mostly interested in getting her stuff. At least what she uploaded in shops. If there was some way that that stuff could be taken from her account and to the one she has now [ as far as I've understood, she doesn't have some of the things on her computer any more. So can't re upload it. ] she...
Thank you very much. We are not that concerned about the account it self. Since she just want it deleted.. Of course I rather have she gets the account again, but it is probably safer to just delete it.. Which is what she has tried, but failed to. Anyway, we want to stop this h4c|<7r. If it is true ...
Well, she was stupid. She gave out her password because one of her close friends gave her a homepage for free credits. But then the h4c|<7r gets into her account. She has tried to disable the account to stop the hackers. But they have reactivated them, but cheating in on IMVU saying they were crying...
B00NKY has joined the chat Me: mhm.. Yes? B00NKY: if ya want get credits B00NKY: hey B00NKY: do u want more credits Me: Would always be nice to get some yes.. Yet I am careful where I get them from.. B00NKY: mk B00NKY: if ya want get credits B00NKY: i need ur pass&email B00NKY: i can put 14.000 ...
That's weird... IMVU been mentally Retarded updating and updating i hope all their server blow up And they became greedy, also look at that bug xD, well Try earning another few credits on it does it increase or stay as it is? Stay as it is. I can't use them, they don't change :I Nothing. I asked IM...
So.. Randomly - 1500 predits appears on my account, or approx that. I go yaaay, must spend them.. But..

Post edited by Mr.Fire Due to avatar name being shown

O.o wtf?

Every time I refresh the page, they are still there.. Its so strange.. Some one tell me what is going on? ._.'
One of my friends is having the same problem.. He gave me this screen shot earlier and told me it stays that way constantly.. + he is unable to upload any products thus being an rather experienced Developer.. ._. I wond...
Robin Hood wrote:
darn >.<
now I need to find a new way to get famous e_e

Put a shoe on your head and a ballerina skirt on and video tape your self sining something from The rocky Horror picture show, and put it on youtube? That would make you famous right away. x]
I felt like sharing a pulse post I made some time ago. But I have gotten allot of feedback on it, and I was suggested that I should past it on to other places for the world to see. So that is what I am doing. I hope this is the right forum to do it in. And I hope I can get you all thinking - if you ...