Search found 8 matches

Ok, I need some help with this whole banner thing. I own my name, and have my VIP and AP on IMVU. So I won't be able to see if I have a banner on my page. So how am I supposed to know if it's there? I have no idea if I am even getting it posted. I right clicked on the URL, and the only option that c...
Miss Beth, I'm 60 and still go to my 13 year old grandson for help. So I know what you are talking about. I just wanted to tell you to play safe on IMVU. Block, if you feel threatend. Do not answer chat invites if it's not from a friend (the old "Never talk to strangers"). But have fun. My...
Hey Miss Arizona, You are a girl after my own (well aged, diabetic) heart. Anyone that eats straight sugar is okay in my book. I used to do the same thing (loved brown sugar straight) until my doctor took it away. Still have to sneak some though, you know what I mean. Hope to see you on IMVU one day...
I know what you're saying. I ran into a couple of guys like that once. Wings, tails, swords, guns and magic. Of course when they tried to attack me, my VIP blocks were in place, and negated everyone of their actions. That was the most fun I have had on IMVU in a long time. The more they were blocked...
Hey Kimmie, As a grandpa I wanted to wish you well, and hope that you stay safe on IMVU. My IMVU (and rl) ladyfriend and I try to look out for people your age, so if we ever meet on the site, don't be afraid to say hi. We both love making friends, and have grandkids your age. Good luck and have fun....
Diana, as the grandfather of a young man about your age, my only advice is play safe. Block, if you feel threatened. Do not accept chats, if you are not already their friend. But as much as possible, try to have fun. And, if our paths should cross, both my ladyfriend and myself would be happy to mee...
Hello, everyone. Just as an introduction, my real name is Dan, and like most of the rest of the new users, I have already spent way too much time on IMVU. Like making friends, and hope to meet more folks my age (between 50 yo and 100 yo)[/i][/b]