Search found 7 matches

All i know is that on the phone app ur avatar has a Following (people u r following) and Followers (people who r following u) list and every time u add a new friend they will appear on both those lists but as people can either randomly follow u or stop following u at anytime its all about the Follow...
I have found a lot of people are upset this feature has been removed and are now stating their orientation as either part of their tag line or their bio. I would also disagree with VU that not many people used this feature as someone who checks cards I found many people had a preference selected.
Hey ev1 im Allnew cuz really im Allnew to this site and only joined becuz im interested in the Room Finder tool which looks super interesting. But the more i look at this site and all the posts the more interesting it all really is. I dont have any special skills except i like to learn and it seems...
Thank you for the list, i've watched a few movies thru you tube on imvu with my husband and its a nice way to spend the evening together chatting and watching, almost like we r really watching it together in real or as close as we can get lol. :awesome13:
Trouble is there r sooooo many rooms now and alot with either the owner and their partner or its all family and u feel and r treated like an outsider. If i do find a room then it seems every few minutes people r showing up to beg for gifts or sex so alot of booting. Once in a while i find a fun roo...