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Galen im thinking of working on a logo for the mafias now Galen i need you to provide a good background something in b/w and ill work on the text tagline and the tint - gloss effect kay? No problem I can do that, and good job on becoming the Graphic Design Mod ^^, so glossy right, be working on it ...
LittleRed666 wrote:

Please LittleRed666 no more bullcrap posts, if you dont understand there is no need to post a "huh", if you are going to post that you dont understand, just state "I dont understand this, or would you help me understand this"
Google sketchup is free and works. However, it is hard as hell to do. If you really want to make your own mesh...I suggest you try shaping. Look into learning opacity maps. With the right can make anything with an opacity. Hmm, well ive looked into google sketch but it keeps taking me to...
Well im just starting out developing on IMVU, yesterday actually, and im was wondering before about making my own products from scratch, being this I asked alot of developers on how to do this, and each time got the same response "if you want to make your own products from scratch you want to m...
Beast? Lol :razz: A term alot of gamers use now a days to signify there "ability" at playing a game, such as if a player is really good they would signify themselves as a beast, not really sure where the word was originated but im sure it was someone stupid XD. Either way if a player thin...
undeadpro wrote:
I am the beast.

Like I said, bragging on forums and in publicity doesnt help, unless your Duke Nukem (there ya go DaGal ^^) and doing so will not make you any better of a player