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I would pick a job which facilitate all the factors of life which are necessary as i mention below what is the good job. what is a good job? That's a hard question to answer with one or two words because every person has his or her own perspective in answering this question. Some people see a good j...
1. When my phone Battery is dying. 2. People driving close behind you 3. People who smell 4. People who eat with their mouth open 5. Rude shop assistants 6. Foreign call centres 7. Stepping in dog poo 8. People who cough and do not cover their mouths 9. Slow internet connections 10. Poor customer se...
30 years ago, most scientists seemed pretty sure that life was extraordinarily rare. And it might be that it existed only on planet earth. But science moves on, and today I suspect most astrobiologists, the scientists who study the possibility of life in the universe, would guess that the Universe i...