Search found 20 matches

Since im not a US citizen, i use proxies alot. Most of these proxies were crap, some were good, but by far the best i've been able to use is HotspotShield. However, for some strange, unknown reason, it has now either been blocked, or temporarily stopped working. So what im going to ask is if any of ...
Yep, thats him... Well he started out by cussing out my girlfriends mum for no reason, but let it off. Then he started stalking a friend of mine, eventually trolling her and making religious jokes at them, and the thing is he just wouldn't stop. He's been doing it for a while now, and i've just gott...
i thought publicly showing his info wasnt allowed :P His IMVU name is Fart, he's a regular jerkoff apparently, makes jew jokes (?) and follows my friends around just pissing them off for no reason.
Hey, guys, its me Jereby :P Recently i've had a big run in with this guy, whose been a complete jerk to me, my girlfriend, my friends, even made one of them cry. This is the first time i've requested mafia protection, so it would be a huge favor from you to me if you could handle him for me. Change ...
I actually already tried it General Free credits, using a Proxy and seperate accounts, but it didnt work, and im pretty sure i saw a post somewhere in the forum confirming that method doesnt work anymore.
I have a sorta idea+question here, thought i'd throw it out there, delete if its already been suggestion, or move if its not in the right area: since IMVU gives credits for referring other people to the site, i was wondering, why cant we just refer each other? i mean, the IMVU mafia is probably span...