Search found 5 matches

'ey, yooz 'umiez. Me n' da boyz were patrollin' da wastelan's an' Gromgar found sumfink strange. Site goes by da name 'hot4imvu'. it lookz zoggin shady. i wood only evva buy from dis place, so dunt worry bout dat. But wat da zog iz dis? do you fink dere tryin' ta rip your market? fer context, da sit...
Well, it da'pendz on wot yoo iz tryin' ta git into. if yer loogin' fer da tabletop game, it'z a lot of reeding 'n money spendin' fer da figurines. If yer loogin' on just reeding and getting involved, dere's the Lexicanum, 1d4chan, r/grimdank, etc. deez kommunities exist and 'ave der own feel ta dem....
'ello inta'nets! Da name iz Warboss Meatshredda, an I'z joined yoo lot ta git in sum of da ackshun goin' 'bout. Wot iz dere ta seyz? Well, I'z an Ork (A ZOGGIN' PROPA GUD'N WUN TOO). I'z also a kumputer teknishun. I fixes da Kumputers in my free time. I'z also werking ta bee-come an elektrishun and ...