neat h4c|<. don v i just noticed this also "hides" the mafia logo for checking VIP request. hope that's ok .
hello kristina! happy valentine's day
FYI for those using Chrome, just switch to Firefox or IE and this should work.
ditto works like a charm. i have a male avatar so will try to run all the codes this weekend . i hope i don't irreversibly switch to a female avatar - will be hard to explain hehe.
saw some dude beating up another guy the other day. he didn't seem to mind getting beaten up so i didn't report it! heh
this is some awesome stuff guys! i will scrounge around a bit for more pix for inspiration before i submit a sig request. in the meantime keep it up!
Hi guys Marcus here, checking out the Dev scene for IMVU. I'm a web programmer (mostly ASP and some javascript) and have basic Photoshop skills; interested in learning how to do 3D. Happy to contribute here as I learn my way. Thanks y'all!