XML Tutorial - By DVFCXML Tutorial - By DVFC

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 21 posts
13 years ago in HTML & CSS
Posted 13 years ago · Author
I decided to write my own XML tutorial based on chat logs of private lessons I have given to several of our members.
There are 13 lessons in this tutorial. I suggest learning XML before HTML. Even if you do not plan on learning HTML, this tutorial is also great if you plan on learning Cal3D. Have fun.

Lesson one: this is an open carrot

Lesson two: this is a close carrot

Lesson three, an open carrot < plus a close carrot >; equals a tag

Lesson four, the first word inside of a tag, is the name of the tag
<Alex is smart>
This is an Alex tag.

<1 2 3>
This is a 1 tag.

<Your mother is a hamster>
This is a Your tag.

Lessons five, this is an open tag

Lesson 6, this is a close tag

Example: Below is an open Alex tag

Below is a close Alex tag

Lesson 7, After every open tag is a close tag with the same name.

<Yaoi is awesome></Yaoi>

An element is when you have an open tag and close tag of the same name. Above is what we call a Yaoi element.

Lesson 8, Words after the first word in a tag, are called parameters.
<Don feelings>
In this case, Don has the feelings parameter.

<Food color shape size>
In this case, food has the color parameter, shape parpmeter, and size parameter.

<Yaoi is awesome>
In this case, Yaoi has the 'is' parameter and the 'awesome' parameter.

Lesson 9: only open tags have parameters

Lesson 10: close tags do not have parameters, as they only contain one word and the first word is the name

Lesson 11: parameters can have values
Are you any good with algebra?
Basic algebra.
Ok, if x = 2, then what is 4 + x ?
Answer: 6
Yes, parameters are like variables in algebra, as they can be equal to a value.
<Don feelings="happy"></Don>
In this case don has the feelings parameter with the value happy.

<Alex rank="capo da'general" posts="3000" nameColor="purple" avatar="girl.jpg"></Alex>
I am guessing that you can tell me what this example means?

Post your answer in the thread below.

Lesson 12: Nested is when something is inside of something else.
Example: If a box is inside of another box, then the boxes are nested.
Example: If a cup is inside of another cup, then the cups are nested.
Example: If Ghoku is pregnant, then Ghoku and his baby are nested.

Lesson 13: tags can be nested

In this case, the box and the cup are nested.
The Cup is nested inside of the box.
The box is nested outside of the cup.

In this example, The L tag and Light tag are nested.
The L tag is nested inside of the Light tag.

Lesson 14: Blocks
The collection of all XML nested inside of a tag is known as a "block".
In this example, the cup tag and the mouse tag are both inside of the Box block.

In this example, the cup tag is inside of the Box block.
The mouse tag is outside of the Box Block.
Everything nested inside of the Box tag is apart of the Box block.
Everything not nested inside of the Box tag is outside of the Box block.

Ok, you now know how to read XML, and all languages that are in XML format, including HTML and Cal3D.
The exact technical term is...you now know XML.
XML is what HTML is written in, same with Cal3D. Cal3D is also written in XML.
This is sort of like knowing how to read English...., but not knowing what any of the words mean.
Now, we must know what the words (All of the different tags and parameters) mean.
Just a note, there are so many tags, I do not know what all of them mean. Most people just know the basic 20 tags, or 50 tags if you are a professional.

Look for my HTML tutorial - coming soon
Look for my Cal3D tutorial - coming soon
Posted 13 years ago
epic awesomeness
thanx for the tut Don ^^
Posted 13 years ago
Awesome tut, the HTML one should be interesting...

Make it noob-friendly so lots of people can understand :P
Posted 13 years ago · Author
Ez1o wrote:
Awesome tut, the HTML one should be interesting...

Make it noob-friendly so lots of people can understand :P

The HTML tut will be "noob-friendly".
I am basing it off of my lessons with Alex, and after I taught her...she was able to make her own mini site on our domain: https://www.imvumafias.org/LivingSkeleto ... ment1.html
https://www.imvumafias.org/LivingSkeleto ... ment2.html
Posted 13 years ago

Alex has the rank parameter with the value capo da'general
with the parameter posts and the value 3000 with the parameter nameColor and the value purple with the parameter avatar and the value girl.jpg

.. that didnt take me long... i hope it is correct.
Posted 13 years ago · Author
halieccboo wrote:

Alex has the rank parameter with the value capo da'general
with the parameter posts and the value 3000 with the parameter nameColor and the value purple with the parameter avatar and the value girl.jpg

.. that didnt take me long... i hope it is correct.

You are correct.
Posted 13 years ago
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
halieccboo wrote:

Alex has the rank parameter with the value capo da'general
with the parameter posts and the value 3000 with the parameter nameColor and the value purple with the parameter avatar and the value girl.jpg

.. that didnt take me long... i hope it is correct.

You are correct.

woohoo ^__^
Posted 12 years ago
Thanks Don love the tut :)
Posted 11 years ago
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
<Alex rank="capo da'general" posts="3000" nameColor="purple" avatar="girl.jpg"></Alex>
I am guessing that you can tell me what this example means?

"Alex" open tag
"rank" parameter
"capo da'general" value
"posts" parameter
"3000" value
"nameColor" parameter
"purple" value
"avatar" parameter
"girl.jpg" value
"Alex" closed tag
Posted 11 years ago
That Tutorial is Filthy...What else do I expect from a Perverse Mind...

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