random question for you all

by Pitbullover · 6 posts
23 hours ago in Introductions
Posted 23 hours ago · Author
so random question from your very own here. so here goes nothing. my question for you all is the following. answer with as much or as little detail as you like.
hope this get some creative juices flowing and get people thinking out of the box with some interesting ideas for answers.
Why are some people born with all of their life figured out before they even make it out into society for themselves, while others are still stumbling through their childhood and adolescence trying to figure things out along the way?

-- Sun Jan 26, 2025 8:25 am --


i know for my personally this is a question that stood out to me. I'm 26. white. American. have a few disability and I'm in collage geting my degree. i have my human services and i have my human development degree and I'm working on my master in education and teaching.
so when i hear and see that come people have know since there where able to talk and walk that they want to be a teacher or run a business doing blah and this and that. just makes me shocked since i know when i could walk and talk it was all i could do to keep a secret that someone told me not to tell or all i want to do was fun around play with monster truck eat rock and sand and play with barbie doll. has anyone one else had this or was this just me or where you someone that just knew since day one you want to be blah? like honestly i want to hear both side of things and see where people fall since it just shocking and crazy to me. so someone help e understand and make senses if this since I'm really confused on this one.
Posted 15 hours ago
Why are some people born with all of their life figured out before they even make it out into society for themselves, while others are still stumbling through their childhood and adolescence trying to figure things out along the way?


I believe that everyone has there own way of doing things….it might seem that others are just doing good and have all their ducks all together….but maybe we just look at them that way…..Money has a lot to do with this as well….going to a better school….etc…but i believe that we have our own special something within us…..sometimes it might be hard to reach a certain goal…..but if we TRY….everything will just be what we want things to be. Goodluck to your studies. Make the most out of your life while you are young….There are a lot of things out there to discover!
Posted 13 hours ago
Truthfully, I don't think any of us truly know what we want to be until much later in life. There are a small percentage of people who are determined to do a single thing from later childhood; 9ish - maybe as low as 7 or 8, but those are very few and far between and it's typically for more 'dream'-oriented jobs. Sports persons, stuntmen, government agents, that kind of thing. A lot of us end up in careers or roles we never would've expected, for better or worse. But usually for the better. I think it should be more socially accepted that people's preferences and circumstances can change, but the current career standard doesn't really support that. You're almost expected to get into a field, stick with it and build up years of experience to climb the ladder and that applies to most careers, especially the less manual type.

I wanted to join the military when I was a little kid, then I wanted to work on cars and eventually I got more on the artistic and design train. Now I work with cars and design-based stuff, so it's been something of a rocky road. I didn't get into my current field until I was at least 22 or so. Expecting people to know what they wanna do as soon as they leave school seems pretty unreasonable to me and I think it's how a bunch of people end up with 'dead-end' jobs they hate, because they feel trapped in that one specific area and don't want to risk branching out or doing what they actually want.

It's an unfortunate circumstance really and one I think is archaic in nature. It reminds me of how people view tattoos and the like; as if you're unemployable or lower-class if you have them ...despite the fact tattoos have been a norm for at least a decade now and have humble roots. To the same affect as career expectations, I think we need to re-standardize and give people more freedom to do what they want, regardless of when that is. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter so long as you're good at a job and a happy employee will always be a better one.
Posted 12 hours ago

Your Words.. Spot on.
Posted 8 hours ago
@Auspicious K

agree!!! my dream as a kid was to be a famous singer/actress and what do i end up doing? working in retail....well...currently on job search but still lol plus i dont think i would be able to handle it if i did somehow ended up on that singing/acting route xD
Posted 4 hours ago
@Auspicious K

i couldnt agree with you more about the tattoo thing the problem is in my opinion is that EVERYONE ELSES opinion is supposed to matter some how........i honestly find humor in that fantasy of "societys" opinion...ppl are being controlled by complete strangers and there opinions....from the clothes they wear to the car they drive ...even the house they purchase and live in.....example...where you get those shoes at....the mall ....how much they cost? $300....so ppl will drive past 9 different places that sell shoes much cheaper to go give their hard earned money away simply so they can be like everyone one else ......is that idiotic or not? maybe I'm the idiot for thinking this way.....but I blaze my own path thru life .I'm a natural born leader never a follower.....cuz one thing I know for sure....every morning when I wake up n go to the restroom and brush my teeth I'm looking into the mirror and I see THE ONLY mf on this earth that there opinion matters to me ....as long as that dude is happy with the person I am the rest don't matter not even a lil bit I'm the only person I got...I'm the only person I trust and I'm theonly person that I can depend on and I have yet to let myself down in 46 yrs of living in this circus called society which I happily refuse to participate in ....a friend of mine a week ago has an older 60s model ford trk had a bunch of biker dudes turn and look at us while driving thru a parking lot and my friend says outta nowhere "yeah, that's why I bought this truck.....it turns alota heads" I'm thinking,WTF? is he serious you just spent 12k to impress a bunch of dudes with full beards that YOU DO NOT EVEN KNOW NOR WILL YOU EVER KNOW THEM....THEY DONT KNOW YOU AND PROBABLY WILL NEVER KNOW OMG PLZ HELP ME UNDERSTAND THIS OR MAYBE MY INTELLECT IS ON A LEVEL WHICH THIS TYPE OF STUPITY WILL I NEVER UNDERSTAND....BUT ANYWAY IF YOU COULD JUST SEE THE 3500$ KEYBOARD IM TYPING THIS ON YOU MIGHT LIKE ME ENOUGH OR LOOK AT ME I HOPE IF NOT ILL RETURN IT AND BUY ONE THATS $7,00.00....NO I WONT IM JOKING BUT REALLY WHY IS EVERYONE SEEM TO BE LIVING THEIR LIVES THIS WAY ...IS IT ME OR AM I EVEN CLOSE AM I THE ONLY PERSON THAT SEEMS TO NOTICE THIS ABOUT PPL??

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