
by HelghanForever · 6 posts
7 years ago in Introductions
Posted 7 years ago · Author
1. I am a bit over excitable in most aspects of life, and certainly bordering the sane/insane line, but I feel like everyone's a little abnormal :kat_emoji18:

2. I can code in html, c#, css, javascript, and basic I am also comptia a+, and network certified.

3. I have nothing to tell.

I just recently found imvu and stumbled onto this site, and it looked interesting.

-- Thu Jul 06, 2017 8:31 am --

Also my names Micheal >.> forgot that part
Posted 7 years ago
Welcome! :)
Posted 7 years ago
Hi there Michael, welcome to the family!
Posted 7 years ago
Welcome aboard...good to have you and to see another that is skilled in things as there are some of us that are not and sure can use those that are willing to post tutorials or to offer thier help to teach others. Make sure you read through the threads and learn more about the site as well as offer up your opinions and answers. merits do add up to be able to purchase items and services as well as to play the lottery. There is also a games sections come join us there and have fun. Any questions please feel free to ask anyone or post a thread and see many different answers and opinions. But all in all WELCOME

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