Feels like the first time, but really the second

by Omegid8 · 3 posts
7 years ago in Introductions
Posted 7 years ago · Author
Hello everyone, it's a pleasure to be back.I can be called omegid8, omes or something similar, it's all good by me. I don't have any particular abilities involving computers or the like, but I can be friendly and supportive as a leg to a table, properly screwed in. My goal here is to mainly buy your amazing products but I'm always down for some comraderie too. Hope to hear from ya guys!
Posted 7 years ago
Hello and welcome back to our family! No skills required to belong....join in on making posts to earn medits, play games and the lottery, chat in our shoutbox or learn all kinds of things here, there is endless things to do or learn if you so desire! And don't be afraid to ask questions or for help if needed. Enjoy! :panda10:
Posted 7 years ago
Welcome Welcome...We offer all that you can see and all that you can become. Simply read and contribute and all the doors will open for you. Need help don't be afraid to ask anyone with a inbox or make a thread and ask and you will find several if not many will answer with thier opinions or options. You have suggestions then feel free as well to offer them up even if you feel they are not important they may be to someone else. There are plenty of tutorials here as well as those willing to offer time to teach if you need it. Enjoy and Welcome aboard. :dancingbannana:

-- Fri Jul 07, 2017 4:00 am --

Welcome Welcome...We offer all that you can see and all that you can become. Simply read and contribute and all the doors will open for you. Need help don't be afraid to ask anyone with a inbox or make a thread and ask and you will find several if not many will answer with thier opinions or options. You have suggestions then feel free as well to offer them up even if you feel they are not important they may be to someone else. There are plenty of tutorials here as well as those willing to offer time to teach if you need it. Enjoy and Welcome aboard. :dancingbannana:

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